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Sweet Potato
Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Sweet potato chocolate chips cookies are so soft that they reminds of little clouds filled with melted chocolate. Once you bite in the cookie, your taste buds with be happy with combination of flavours - sweet potatoes, rich dark chocolate and a hint of cloves in the end!

If you love these cookies, you will also love our soft chocolate chunk cookies.

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Why you'll love sweet potato chocolate chip cookies

Creamy sweet potato mash is what makes sweet potato chocolate chip cookies so special and delicious. It adds softness to the texture and sweetness which pairs perfectly with muscovado sugar we used in the recipe.

Beside plain flour this recipe calls for whole grain spelt flour and instant oat flakes, making these cookies nutritiously rich. For this recipe we used large chocolate chunks, so each bite is loaded with pockets of melted dark chocolate, what makes these cookies so addictive.

Making sweet potato mash is easy

Creamy sweet potato mash is what makes sweet potato chocolate chip cookies extra special. It adds softness to the texture and sweetness which pairs perfectly with muscovado sugar we used in the recipe.

The easiest way to make the mash is to bake whole sweet potatoes in the oven until soft (this will take about 40-50 minutes, depending on the size of sweet potatoes).

Once baked, remove the skin and mash sweet potatoes until smooth (do this using a fork or potato masher).

How to make sweet potato chocolate chip cookies

Once you have ready all the ingredients, mixing bowls and hand mixer, making the dough is just a breeze. Here are the steps you'll need to follow:

  1. MIX DRY INGREDIENTS: Stir together plain flour, whole spelt flour, instant oat flakes, baking soda, salt and a ground cloves.

  2. BEAT THE REST OF INGREDIENTS: First beat butter and muscovado sugar for a few minutes, then add egg again until combined. Add sweet potato mash and beat for another 1-2 minutes until smooth.

  3. COMBINE THESE TWO: Now, fold gradually dry ingredients into the wet ingredients using silicon spatula. Stir in chocolate chunks. You'll find out that the dough is very sticky which is typical for cookies made with sweet potatoes or pumpkin (like in our pumpkin and orange cookies). Cool it in the fridge for 20 minutes. 

Use a medium cookie scoop to form mounds on the baking sheet, flatten slightly each one, then bake in the oven for about 10 minutes. 

USEFUL TIP! Once baked cookies will be very soft so leave them on the baking sheet to cool for 5-6 minutes then you can enjoy them as they are the best while still slightly warm and chocolate is melted.

Storing sweet potato chocolate chip cookies

Sweet potato chocolate chip cookies need to be completely cool before they are stored. If you store them while they're still warm, they will become soggy. Once cooled, store them in a glass cookie jar at room temperature for up to 7 days. 

A few of our favourite cookie recipes:

Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Cookies

COOKS IN: 1h 10min
LEVEL: Moderate



  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/392°F and line baking sheets with baking paper.

  2. For the sweet potato mash, prick the sweet potatoes with a fork few times and bake in the oven for about 35-40 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork. Allow to cool for a few minutes then remove the skin and mash using a potato masher or a fork.

  3. In a medium bowl combine plain and whole grain spelt flours, instant rolled oats, baking soda, ground cloves and salt.

  4. In a large mixing bowl, using electric hand mixer beat the softened butter and muscovado sugar until smooth, then beat in an egg. Add sweet potato mash and beat for another minute until combined.

  5. Gradually fold dry ingredients into the butter/egg mixture using a silicon spatula. Add chopped chocolate and stir until evenly distributed. Place the dough in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

  6. Preheat the oven to to 175°C/347°F. Line the baking sheet with baking paper.

  7. Using a medium cookie scoop shape mounds on the baking sheet leaving some space between. Gently flatten each mound using a spoon.

  8. Bake in the oven for about 8-10 minutes or until slightly crisp on the outside. Be sure not to overbake them. Cookies will be very soft so leave them on the sheet for 5-6 minutes to cool then transfer to a cooling rack with thin metal spatula

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